Monday, November 8, 2010


Hylaform PicJuvéderm® gel is a sterile, clear, colorless dermal (skin) filler gel implant made of chemically modified hyaluronic acid derived from avian (bird) source. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the fluids surrounding cells and tissues. It is chemically, physically and biologically similar in the tissues of all species. Juvéderm® gel is made from highly purified natural hyaluronic acid that is gradually absorbed by your body through natural mechanisms.

What is Juvéderm® gel used for?

The gel is injected into skin tissue for correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds).

Where does Juvéderm® gel come from?

The gel is produced from materials of avian (bird) origin and contains extremely small amounts of avian protein. Because of this, you should speak to your physician and you should not use Juvéderm® gel if you have any known allergies to avian protein.

How does Juvéderm® gel work?

Juvéderm® gel is injected just beneath the skin surface temporarily adding volume to the layers of the skin that have deteriorated due to age and other factors. The gel, when injected, is used to raise depressions in the skin, providing temporary correction of wrinkles and folds.

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