Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pro's to Serdev Suture Suspension

What are the benefits of the Serdev Suture Suspension?

- No general anesthesia
- No scars, only very small puncture wounds; minimal bruising
- Rapid recovery and return to normal “day to day” activities
- Very high safety profile
- Less costly than traditional techniques
- A more natural look

What other types of lifts can be performed?

- Face lifts - Creates a younger and more natural appearance
- Forehead Lifts- sagging forehead skin
- Eyebrow lifts to open the eyes
- Cheek enhancement - cheeks fuller and higher
- Chin augmentation
- Nose tip refinement
- Nose angle refinement (wide nose) - Make the base of the nose smaller.
- Ear refinement-Pull the ears closer to the head.
- Breast lifts- Lift the breast via a scar less puncture wound. This procedure is
beneficial to women who often suffer from keloiding with traditional breast lifts.
- Buttocks lifts- Narrow the buttocks. Give the appearance of more volume and lift
at the same time. Elongate the look of the legs.

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