Friday, June 18, 2010

Expression Lines

We, espically us ladies, are emotional creatures. After years of squinting, laughing, frowning, smoking, worrying, and sun exposure, our skin inevitably develops lines and wrinkles.

Some of these lines are "expression lines." Other lines and wrinkles are from aging and sun damage. Until now, expression lines have been difficult to treat. Now, by utilizing an already approved muscle-relaxing agent, expression lines can be significantly reduced. Depending on the type of lines and wrinkles you have, you can choose from several options to correct the desired area. Botox and Dermal Fillers are two methods we use to treat wrinkles and soften your appearance.

BOTOX® is a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent derived from the bacterium, Clostridium Botulinum. For years physicians have been using BOTOX® as a cosmetic treatment to correct visible signs of stress and aging.

Your brain sends messages to your muscles so that they can contract and move. BOTOX® works to block the muscle from responding to the message; as a result, the muscle relaxes and the overlying skin remains unwrinkled and smooth.

This could be an option for you!

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