VASER LipoSelection® is a minimally invasive procedure that precisely and efficiently removes unwanted body fat while promoting smooth results and rapid healing.
Why is it different?
The LipoSelection procedure uses ultrasound energy to break up and remove fat deposits from the body. Fatty tissue contains a large percentage of fat cells as well as blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. Ultrasound energy selectively breaks up and emulsifies fat, while leaving other tissue relatively intact. LipoSelection typically results in low to minimal pain and low incidences of bruising or prolonged swelling.*
LipoSelection by VASER is both efficient and precise. In fact, ultrasound energy is so precise and specific that the technology has been used to remove brain tumors and cataracts.
How it works.
During the LipoSelection procedure, small incisions are made in the area to be sculpted. Through these small incisions, a special saline solution is infused to numb the site, shrink blood vessels, and enhance emulsification. Emulsified fat is then readily removed with suction and massage.
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